Community Association Quotation Request

Please provide accurate and thorough information throughout this Quotation Request. In answering our questions, you must comply with your duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation, which is set out at the end of this document.

Contact Details

A copy of this Quotation Request will be sent to the email address you enter above.

By continuing with this quote, you acknowledge that: the relevant  Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)  has been made available to you; references to insurance coverage and policy terms and conditions are by way of summary only and you must refer to the PDS for full details of all policy terms and conditions, limits, benefits, and exclusions; capitalised terms are references to defined terms in the PDS; and you have read and agree with our Privacy Policy. Additionally, you consent to receiving policy documents via electronic means and relevant marketing communications from Strata Community Insurance.

The Insured

Note - if you have a copy of the claims history please upload, otherwise type into the box below


The Property

Note - to be able to issue you with a quotation for this Community Association we must have a copy of the management statement, please upload using the below link or email through to


The Property - Construction




Community Items


Please ensure you press Next Occupant/Save prior to moving onto the next page to ensure all of the occupants listed are saved.

Sum Insured

Section 1 - Community Property and Income 

Part A - Community Property

Part B - Community Rental Income

Optional Covers

Part C - Fidelity Gurantee

Part D - Machinery Breakdown

Section 2 - Casualty Covers

PART A - Legal Liability

PART B - Voluntary Workers

PART C - Office Bearers Liability

PART D - Government Audit Costs

PART E - Appeal Expenses - Health and Safety Breaches

PART F - Legal Defence Expenses

PART G - Workers Compensation

Submission Declaration

Any personal information collected will be used to process this quotation request. If you do not provide this information we may not be able to process this request. We may have to disclose your personal information to third parties to assist us in assessing and processing this quotation, including insurers and reinsurers, our specialist advisors and service providers, or as required by law. These entities may be located in Australia or overseas. By submitting this form you authorise us to use your personal information in this way and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy contains further details including how you can access and correct personal information we hold about you, and how to complain about any breach of the Australian Privacy Principles. For a copy of our Privacy Policy please refer to our website, or email

You must answer our questions honestly, accurately and to the best of your knowledge, and you must take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to us. This responsibility applies until we issue you with a policy for the first time or agree to renew, extend, vary/change, or reinstate your policy. A misrepresentation includes a statement that is false, partially false, or which does not fairly reflect the truth. It is not misrepresentation if you do not answer a question or if your answer is obviously incomplete or irrelevant to the question asked. The responsibility to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation applies to everyone who will be insured under the policy. If you are answering questions on behalf of anyone, we will treat your answers or representations as theirs. If our information or questions are unclear, you can contact us to discuss.

Please note that we cannot process your quotation request unless you agree to the Submission Declaration above.